Majors, Minors, Concentrations and Dual Degrees

To declare or change an academic plan, sub-plan or minor, students can submit the request electronically to the Office of the Registrar. By going to the following link, the student will be able to initiate a request via i-Declare by logging into their MyCity page. This electronic form will be routed to faculty and/or advisor for approval. It is highly recommended that the student submit the electronic form 3 business days prior to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar for processing. Plan declarations and changes processed after this date will be effective for the subsequent semester.

The Academic Plan (Major)

All students must complete the requirements of their approved major in order to obtain a degree. Each department or program sets specific course requirements for its academic plans. These requirements are outlined in the departmental listings in this Bulletin; students should consult with an appropriate advisor before declaring a major. Students must declare an academic plan, including a subplan (concentration), if needed, upon completion of 60 credits or risk losing eligibility for NYS financial aid.

Dual Academic Plans (Majors)

Students who wish to major in two fields should file a Declaration of Plan, Subplan and Concentration form, which must be approved by the appropriate department advisors and by the divisional dean(s). The requirements of both declared academic plans must be completed. Students wishing to complete two academic plans should discuss it at an early stage of their college career with an advisor in each of the two departments. No more than three courses may be credited to both academic plans

Dual Degrees

If a student wishes to obtain two separate degrees across different degree types such as a BS or BA, the student should declare the first major and complete those requirements. The student should then apply for admission as a second degree student. Ninety credits from the first degree will be counted toward the second degree. To obtain the second degree, an additional 30 credits and the requirements for the second major must be completed.


A number of departments offer a minor; which is a program of study of approximately 15 credits which can be taken in conjunction with the major. It should be noted that all degree candidates must have a major. The minor however is optional. Students declaring a minor in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences can have only one course overlap between the CLAS major and minor courses unless otherwise specified by the department or program of the minor.

Subplan (Concentrations)

Some academic plans require students to choose among subplans (concentrations) offered for the degree. Students should follow the courses recommended by their advisor to ensure that they complete the appropriate subplan. Students should include the subplan on the Declaration of Plan and Subplan Form when they file for a plan (major).